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Special Interest & Zimbabwe Safaris in Southern Africa

Birding Safaris

Have you ever been on a Safari in the middle of the rainy season and been disappointed with the number of game spotted in the thick green bush?  Did you stop and listen to the harmony of bird songs around you, or sit quietly and notice the myriad of colour flitting between the trees?

We have and we are passionate about birds!   When the game viewing is slow you can be assured that with over 880 different species in Southern Africa alone, with each bird having a different story to tell, your traditional African Safari will be transformed as you venture into the exciting new world of bird watching – and of course you may still be able to spot some of the Big 5 at the same time.

Our tailor made itineraries will take you around Southern Africa in search of some of the more interesting bird species in the Eastern Highlands, Matopos Hills, Hwange and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, as well as the Sand Dunes of Namibia, Mountains in Cape Town and Okavango Delta in Botswana.